Monday, December 22, 2008

The violinist

Meet the young violinist. Youngest played a Minuet by J.S.Bach at the Christmas Recital a couple of days ago-- and she sounded great! She has gained so much confidence in the year and a half that she's been playing. She's just about outgrown her 3/4 size violin, so we're on the look-out for a new instrument (it's one thing when they outgrow their jeans every semester, but this one's a little pricier...)

Below are pictures from the day she first got her violin. There she is learning how to hold her instrument and bow -- so many things to concentrate on! I am just amazed at how quickly these young people are learning: it is such a JOY to watch them master new skills!

BRAVO, girl, you've come a long way!

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